Opening Hours

  • Monday09am - 05pm
  • Tuesday09am - 05pm
  • Wednesday09am - 05pm
  • Thursday09am - 05pm
  • Friday09am - 05pm
  • Saturday-SundayClosed

Terms And Conditions

Terms and Conditions

All transactions are processed through a gateway provider and are not stored or processed on our servers. So, in any case we do not store any of the payer’s payment or transaction information.

When you visit the institute Official Web site, the following information may be collected from you, either voluntarily or involuntarily:

1. Your computer or network IP address, which must be validated in order for you to access the Aurous Academy Official Web site.

2. Your e-mail address and message when you communicate electronically with us.

3. Aurous Academy reserves the right to change / cancel any program, eligibility criterion, and course fee without prior notice.

Note: By submitting a payment through the online-payments site you are agreeing to these terms and conditions including any updated changes in terms and conditions from time to time through our website.

Terms & Conditions and Eligibility Criteria (PRAGYAN)

The following are the Eligibility Criteria and detailed terms & conditions of PRAGYAN for those selected to get rewards. Failure to comply with the following rules may result in the disqualification for rewards.

Eligibility Criteria

• Students of class 10th moving to 11th are eligible for reward of Macbook, iphone, ipad, smart watches and fee waiver as well as career counselling

• Students of class 11th moving to 12th are eligible for reward of smart watches and fee waiver as well as career counselling

• Student of class 7th,8th, 9th and 11th moving to 8th, 9th,10th and 12th are eligible for fee waivers as well as career counselling

• Enrollment in long term classroom program of Aurous Academy for the academic year 2025-2026 is mandatory and one must have complete enrolment formalities before Nov 2024

• All decisions on the winners will be taken by the Management of Aurous Academy and it will be final and binding.

Terms and Conditions

• No cash equivalent to rewards will be provided by Aurous Academy in the event parents/students are not interested to receive rewards. • List of top students will be declared in the Feb 25

• Tie Breaker Rule:

If many students secure equal aggregate marks, then higher rank will be given by comparing subject scores in priority of Maths, Physics & Chemistry up to class X. (If all subject scores are also equal then lower age student will be given higher rank.)

• The student who attempts to appear in multiple offline exams will not be eligible for any cash reward and scholarship

• The Courts at Bhopal shall have exclusive jurisdiction and the parties hereby submit themselves to the jurisdiction of Bhopal Courts.


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