Is it better to drop a year to prepare for JEE Main or join a college?
Embarking on a journey, especially in one that requires exhaustive preparation, one needs to think and act in the widest way possible. Taking a year drop to prepare for JEE main or joining a college is a tough decision to make. There are so many factors to depend on and so many to consider.
We have come up with 5 key decision-making pointers to help you decide about the same. Read on:
Your preparation levels:
Let’s be honest with yourself. You know it somewhere in the corner of your heart your current level of preparation. This can help you decide whether a drop year is actually needed to level up or this is the maximum what you can prepare. Consider it this way, even if you had prepared the ideal way, could you make it to your aim? A honest answer to this question can help you take a stand.
College or degree?
There are a few students to whom the college would matter the most than the branch or specialisation. Graduating from a particular college is their dream. While there is another set of students whose aim is to get their degree right. They might compromise on the college, choose a tier-2 level college or even a tier-3 level just for the branch they are getting into. So decide for yourself, your aim.
Your attitude:
This question itself, whether to take a drop or join a college comes in two cases. Either one is doubtful about the ongoing preparation, getting negligent about the regular studies or one can really realise that a drop year can take to their dream college/branch. If this question stems from the first reason, it is probably better to join a college. It is likely that even if you take a year drop, you might face the same complacency or lack of motivation to make the most of the drop year. You have to be mentally strong to understand that while your friends might enjoy their college times, you are still preparing for your dream.
Your potential:
Many a times we overestimate our potential in the peer pressure or in comprehending the reality falsely. Introspect, talk to your mentors, make a SWOT analysis, take help from counsellors and understand whether are you capable enough to make the mark? It might sound overwhelming but a reality check can help you save your time and energies for something worth your potential. Are you able to apply the concepts, right? Are you willing to undergo this rigorous training in order to achieve your goal? Are you improving with new strategies at hand? Honest answers to such questions can help to recalibrate and find a way.
Willing to take a risk?
Lastly, above all, are you willing to take the risk of dropping a year? It is a risk as one may or may not turn up as expected. Ultimately even if you are taking a drop year, make sure you just progress and not take the reverse gear. You surely don’t have to regret of the time, energy, money, and most importantly your efforts put in for the entire year.
Preparing to get into the most prestigious engineering colleges, one has to keep in mind every little obstacle that can come up. All the above factors might sound a something to be wary of but they will surely help you decide and embrace the life ahead.